BLOG (EN 2015)

Geschrieben von: Stan   
Donnerstag, den 17. September 2015 um 05:58 Uhr

2. Cor. 9:6:
“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”


The skilled famous “prosperity theology” preachers, take extremely keen and very often the quotation from Paul’s 2nd Cor. 9: 6 (above) – however using it out of context. They paraphrase it so: “if you give generously to MY service (to me), God will give you even more.” – and they call it “sawing the seed”.
Once I came across a letter from a man named Benny Hinn - I do not know if you know him – as follows: “I go on a mission to Colombia in South America – I need another $ 200,000.” If I remember correctly, I responded (in a holy anger) so: “and I'm going to serve in xxx and need another 200 € “. Benny didn’t “sow” anything on my account! Since then I've become more sensitive to this type of “begging ministers”. And in the media are many of them (especially the Internet as well as television). I could mention much more stories about dodgers like that; however, is not the point. (It is only the warning.)

The point is the word from 2nd Cor. 9: 6.

Paul writes about the ministry of mercy “for the saints”, which will supply their “needs” (9:12). “Saints” there are those, who are separated from the world and connected spiritually with Christ. There were (and are) many of them. In those days the saints were rich and poor as well.

Previous chapter (8) shows us something more about this “sowing seed”, ministry of mercy. In 13-14: “I do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened, but that as a matter of fairness; your abundance at the present time should supply their need, so that their abundance may supply your need, that there may be fairness.” So, the distinct goal of the mercy ministry is the “fairness”, equality, supplying the needs of the saints (not necessarily for mission or ministry).
Paul gives also a practical advice: “by your completing it out of what you have”. (8:11)

Crooked image of the Church are the poor “saints” for whom at the end of the day the Church is responsible.

I would like to finish with personal testimony. I am in need since 4 months (hope it will finish soon!). Thanks openness to God some Polish Christians in Ireland (+ one in Germany + one African + one Irish), I didn’t fall into debt (which I would see as the shame). I did not ask anyone for help (in the field), but God moved and moves the hearts!
I thank God with all my heart and thank Him for you as well!
“The ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.” (9:12)

Zuletzt aktualisiert am Montag, den 11. Februar 2019 um 17:42 Uhr
Geschrieben von: Stan   
Sonntag, den 13. September 2015 um 19:28 Uhr

Mark 16:17a:
“these signs will accompany those who believe…”, afterwards we have the list of such/some signs.

Here I would like to emphasize the meaning and context of the verb (used in future tense), will “accompany” (Greek: παρακολουθήσει – parakolutesei). If there are things which ACCOMPANY, then they COULDN’T BE the subject of preaching, proclaiming, or advertising, but just effect / or one of the effects of our faith.

Now: according to the context of this verse, we see very clearly, what is the subject of our preaching, teaching or proclaiming: it is THE GOSPEL (v. 15).

Someone who proclaims the things which accompany our faith and even calls it “full gospel”, has probably no big idea, what the Gospel is all about. The Gospel, The Good News about Salvation, is only one; it is neither empty, nor full, neither in half nor in some percent.

We should expect that the “Full Gospel”-preachers will start to preach The Only One Gospel and – according to their conviction – will manifest what they believe! The irony is that in the circles of those who preach “accompany things” (like healings) there are many sick people; and gruesome LIE is that in such cases they call real sickness as "symptom" (to justified their lack of healing) .

Zuletzt aktualisiert am Montag, den 11. Februar 2019 um 17:48 Uhr